Displaying arrays is a common exercise in React. You can be building a table, a list of users or just about anything else.
This article will help you understand how to do so in React.
Array of Strings
You can directly render arrays of a React children type.
const cityListString = ["Paris", "Madrid", "Lisboa"];const CityList = () => <div>{cityListString}</div>;render(<CityList />);
What you need to understand here is how React will render every elements of the array as if they were one after the other.
Array of Components
You can also directly render arrays of JSX elements (HTML Nodes or React Components):
const MyCustomComponent = ({ children }) => <code>{children}</code>;const cityComponentList = [<strong>Paris</strong>,<strong>Madrid</strong>,<MyCustomComponent>Lisboa</MyCustomComponent>,];const CityList = () => <div>{cityComponentList}</div>;render(<CityList />);
Here is another way to picture what is going on, let's look at CityList
const CityList = () => <div>{cityComponentList}</div>;
Step 1
will be evaluated and CityList
will become:
const CityList = () => (
Step 2
Will be evaluated so CityList
const CityList = () => (
Using .map
Now you should understand that react can render arrays of strings, HTML nodes, React components, and even more.
However this can quickly be limiting:
- Lots of duplicated code - repeating the
HMTL node. You do not want to manually write it all the time. - Does not work if the data is dynamic - what if you get this data from an API?
is the most common Array method you will see in React displays, let's see why.
Let's see what we can do using the .map()
method of Arrays
Use .map() to avoid rewriting HTML
const cityListString = ["Paris", "Madrid", "Lisboa"];const CityList = () => (<div>{ => (<small>{city}</small>))}</div>);render(<CityList />);
Magic isnt it? by writing once that we want elements to be wrapped by a <small>
HTML node, we wrap all elements.
This works with any React component as well.
const MyCustomMarkComponent = ({ children }) => <code>{children}</code>;const cityListString = ["Paris", "Madrid", "Lisboa"];const CityList = () => (<div>{ => (<MyCustomMarkComponent>{city}</MyCustomMarkComponent>))}</div>);render(<CityList />);
And because map
takes a function, you can add any logic you want.
const MyCustomMarkComponent = ({ children }) => <code>{children}</code>;const cityListString = ["Paris", "Madrid", "Lisboa"];const CityList = () => (<div>{ => {if (city === 'Lisboa'){return <MyCustomMarkComponent>{city}</MyCustomComponent>}return (<small>{city}</small>)})}</div>);render(<CityList />);
Using filter and any other Array methods
Now that you know that React can render arrays of JSX Elements, you can use just about most of the Array methods.
Displaying all cities BUT Paris
using filter()
const MyCustomMarkComponent = ({ children }) => <code>{children}</code>;const cityListString = ["Paris", "Madrid", "Lisboa"];const CityList = () => (<div>{cityListString.filter((city) => city !== "Paris")}</div>);render(<CityList />);
Combining filter and maps
Displaying all cities BUT Paris
and wrapped by <small/>
using .filter()
and .map()
const MyCustomMarkComponent = ({ children }) => <code>{children}</code>;const cityListString = ["Paris", "Madrid", "Lisboa"];const CityList = () => (<div>{cityListString.filter((city) => city !== "Paris").map((city) => (<small>{city}</small>))}</div>);render(<CityList />);
Feel free to combine Array methods and have fun with them!